
Materials: Butter Paper, Pencil, Ruler, Rounded device
All these artworks were exhibited in The British Museum. The Details are as follow:
F Portrait of Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Louvre, Paris.
(22∘; 25∘)
‘La Clownesse’, Henri de Toulouse – Lautrec (1864-1901); colour lithography from the ‘Elles’ series, 1896.
(23∘; 40∘)
William Blake (1757-1827): Mirth from L’Allegro by John Milton.
(41∘; 21∘)
Alice’s Adventures on Wonderland, Lewis Carroll (1832-98) chapter 6, (1865).
(18∘; 17∘)
‘The Virgin and Child with a cat’, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519); pen and ink with stylus, detail, date unknown.
(43∘; 21∘)
‘Isabella Brant’, Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640); coloured chalks with pale brown wash and white heightening, 1621.
(15∘; 16∘)
Quartzite head from a statue of Amenhotep III, Thebes, Egypt; eighteenth Dynasty, c. 1350 BC.
(14∘; 8∘)
‘Parody of Zhuang Zi’s Dream of Butterflies’, Anonymous; Japanese hanging scroll, ink colour and gold on silk, 1425.
(15∘; 60∘)
‘Portrait of a Peasant Woman’, Albrecht Durer (1471-1528); pen, brown ink and brown wash, c. 1505-7
(14∘; 20∘)
Model of a smiling boy on a go board, Japan, c. seventeenth century.
(20∘; 10∘)
Wooden funerary face mask, possibly for a man or woman, Egypt; eighteenth Dynasty, c. 1400 BC.
(16∘; 16∘)
A panel painting from the Palace of Westminster, England; c. 1263-6.
(20∘; 23∘)
Fragment of female face from the Archaic temple of Artemis at Ephesos, Greece; c. 550-520 BC.
(3∘; 9∘)
Quartzite head from a statue of Amenhotep III, Egypt; eighteenth Dynasty, c. 1350 BC.
(6∘; 5∘)
Marble relief panel from the Harpy Tomb from Xanthos in Lycia, south-western Turkey; c. 470-460 BC.
(25∘; / )
‘The Virgin and Child’, Raphael (1483-1520); black chalk with white heightening, c. 1510-12.
(21∘; 20∘)
Sculpture of a young boy, Greece; third century BC.
(12∘; 20∘)
‘Two Geishas with a Maid’, Mori Gyokusen (1791-1864); Japanese hanging scroll, ink, colour and gold in silk, 1821.
(33∘; 30∘) (22∘; 35∘) (16∘; 35∘)
Haida wooden portrait mask of a man, northern British Columbia; nineteenth century.
(34∘; 37∘)
‘Study of the Lower Part of Smiling Face’, William Walker (1791-1867); rust crayon on paper, date unknown
(19∘; 25∘)
‘Beauty with a cat’, Joran (dates unknown); Japanese hanging scroll, ink, colours and gold in silk, 1597
(24∘; 22∘)
Tsimshian bear mask, northern British Columbia; mid-nineteenth century.
(10∘; 15∘)
Protrait of a woman in tempera on coarse stuccoed linen, Egypt; c. AD 100-20.
(17∘; 13∘)
Stone Head of King Thutmose III, Egypt; eighteenth Dynasty, c. 1470 BC.
(12∘; 10∘)
‘A Curly Haired Man with Eyes Tightly Closed and Smiling Mouth’, attributed to Giovanni Agostino da Lodi (c. 1467-1524/5); red chalk, the contours picked for transfer, date unknown.
(27∘; 21∘)
Limestone figure of an old man and a boy, Huastec, Mexico; AD 900-1521.
(/ ; 28∘)
‘Venus’, Raphael (1483-1520); metalpoint on pink prepared surface, c. 1498-1520.
(12∘; 20∘)
Limestone sculpture of a head, Cyprus; c. 490 BC.
(25∘; 22∘)
‘The Girls and Kitten’, Francesco Bartolozzi (1728-1815) after Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-92); coloured print, published 1787.
(21∘; 26∘)
A depiction of Medusa from a red-figured hydria (water jar), Athens; c. 490 BC
(22∘; 18∘)
‘An Angel Playing a Lute’, Bernadino Campi (1522-91); red chalk heightened with white, on blue paper, squared for transfer, date unknown.
(12∘; 15∘)
Yup’ik mask, Nunivak Island; c. 1940
( / ; 45∘)
Tapestry of two cherubs in a boat, Akhmim, Egypt; fourth century AD.
(25∘; 25∘) (25∘; 20∘)
Kou woodern bowl, Hawaii, Polynesia; possibly eighteen century.
(12∘; 24∘)
Three example of netsuke, Japan; eighteenth century.
(10∘; / ) (14∘; / ) ( / ; 15∘)
‘Abundance’ or ‘Autumn’, Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510); red and black chalk, and pen and brown ink brown wash, c. 1475-82.
(5∘; 20∘)
Black pottery Moche vase of two embracing figures, Mexico; AD 100-700.
(18∘; 25∘)
‘Characters and Caricaturas’, William Hogarth (1697 - 1764); print published in London, 1743.
( / : 17∘) ( / ; 27∘) ( / ; 24∘) ( / ; 24∘) (15∘; / ) ( / ; 33∘)
F ‘Portrait of an Unknown Smiling Man in a Hat’, circle of Hans Holbein the Elder; metalpoint on white prepared paper, c. 1460-1524.
(0∘; 0∘) (10∘; 9∘)
Scene from a Greek black-figured bowl by the vase painter Sophilos, Athens; c. 580 BC.
(13∘; / ) (16∘; / ) (21∘; / ) (13∘; / )
Garuda kneeling in adoration, Orissa, eastern India; thirteenth century AD.
(12∘; 18∘)
No mask of a Shojo, a mythical sprite-like creature who lives in the water and loves to drink sake when on the land, Japan; c. nineteenth century.
(10∘; 15∘)
Bronze figure of the immortal Liu Hai, China; Qing Dynasty, 1723.
(13∘; 24∘)
Shabti of Neferibre-sa-Neit, Egypt; twenty-sixth Dynasty, c. 550 BC.
(10∘; 16∘)
Pottery smiling head, Veracruz, Mexico; AD 300-1200.
(10∘; 9∘)
Painted plaster cartonnage mask of a woman, Egypt; c. AD 100-20.
(5∘; 10∘)
(X∘; / ) (Right)
(12+10+14+/+5+18+/+/+/+15+/+22+23+41+18+43+15+14+15+14+20+16+20+3+6+25+21+12+33+22+16+34+19+24+24+10+17+12+27+/+12+25+21+22+12+/+25+25+0+10+13+16+21+13+12+10+13+10+10+5) / 60 illustrations
=891 / 60
=14.85∘ (your Right side)
( / ; Y∘) (Left)
(24+/+/+15+20+25+17+27+24+24+/+33+25+40+21+17+21+16+8+60+20+10+16+23+9+5+/+20+20+30+35+35+37+25+22+15+13+10+21+28+20+22+26+18+15+45+25+20+0+9+/+/+/++/+18+15+24+16+9+10) / 60 illustrations
=1103 / 60
~18.4∘ (Your Left side)

The British Museum SMILE Writer: Marina Vaizey
Publisher: The British Museum Press
Library: Hong Kong Public Library (HKPL) – Sau Mau Ping
Photography by The British Museum Department of Photography and Imaging
Introduction by Marina Vaizey
©2002 The Trustees of The British Museum
First Published in 2002 by The British Museum Press
A division of The British Museum Company Ltd
46 Bloomshury Street, London, WCIB 3QQ
Design by Peter Ward
Typeset in Centaur
Printed in Hong Kong
By C&C Offset
Front jacket: A study of the lower part of a smiling face.William Walker. (© The British Museum).
Back jacket: Alice and the Cheshire Cat. Sir John Tenniel.
A design engraved on wood by the Dalziel Brothers, 1865. (© The British Museum).
The British Museum SMILE
‘’……The Fascinating allure of the smile is illustrated in this book with 47 colour and 6 black and white illustrations from the collections of The British Museum. These include the demure pout of a Japanese Geisha, the knowing smile of an Egyptian king, and even the mischievous grin of the famous Cheshire Cat.’’